EFT - Energy Psychology for belief change and unblocking barriers

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) or “Tapping” is a non-invasive energy psychology technique that has been clinically observed to consistently alleviate a wide range of psychological and physiological conditions.

The technique is also helpful in promoting a high level of body and mind health, as well as clarity and peak performance in the physical, mental and creative arenas of life.

The method is quick, simple and easy to use and is based on gently tapping over various key meridian points in the body, whilst stating the specific “problem”, “topic” or “target issue” you wish to address.

Getting started...

Just follow the process set out below, filling-in the appropriate “topic” or “problem” where indicated.

The EFT Setup

Identify what your “target issue” or “problem” is.

Begin gently tapping the “karate chop” point continuously on the side of either hand. (It doesn’t matter which hand).

Keep tapping gently on the karate chop point and repeat 3 times:

"Even though I have this...

(state what your “problem” or “target issue” is here)

I deeply and completely love and accept myself”.

The “karate chop” point located on the outer border of the hand.

The EFT Sequence

Tap lightly, about 5 times, on each of the meridian points shown below, starting at the inner eye brow.

At each meridian point, state the “problem” or “topic” you wish to change or unblock.

Repeat the sequence 3 times, finishing at the meridian at the top of the head.
(You can tap on either side of the body).

Finish with a slow and gentle inhale and exhale.

The EFT meridian tapping points

On head, face and body:

1) Inner eye brow (bladder meridian)

2) Side of eye (gall bladder meridian)

3) Under eye (stomach meridian)

4) Under nose (governing meridian)

5) Chin (central meridian)

6) Under collar bone (kidney meridian)

7) Under arm (spleen meridian)

12) Top of head (hundred meeting points)

On hand:

8) Inner side of thumb nail (lung meridian)

9) Inner side of index finger (large intestine meridian)

10) Inner side of middle finger (pericardium meridian)

11) Inner side of baby finger (heart meridian)

One-to-One Coaching for EFT
40€ per hour


All my classes are held at

Camping Florantilles

Crta. San Miguel de Salinas-Torrevieja (cv-95)
03193 San Miguel de Salinas
Click here link to Google Maps